See what God can do through your generosity.
Together, Willow Glen United Methodists do remarkable ministry in our community and around the world. We care for our homeless neighbors in San Jose; we are devoted to missions both domestically and abroad; we help others in need through community services; and through UMCOR we contribute to various relief efforts around the world.
During stewardship season (or anytime), we hope you will “make a plan to give” and make a pledge to the church this year. If you already make a regular offering, we invite you to consider making a plan to grow in your giving. It doesn’t have to be 10% each year, but make a plan that feels right to you, and give thanks for all you have and all that you have to give. The ministry of this congregation is funded by your generosity, and we have ministry to do here in Willow Glen as God’s family growing through caring, sharing and serving. May we grow into it together.