Worship every Sunday at 10:00am in person and online
One block from downtown Willow Glen

Woodhaven Preschool Open House
Saturday, January 25, 10:00am-12:00noon Registration is open now! For details, visit https://www.woodhavenpreschool.org or call 408-294-6072.
Welcoming Statement
In Jesus Christ, God reaches out to everyone to call them home, and here at Willow Glen UMC, we open our hearts and intentionally welcome you into our home, into our church family, and into a closer relationship with God.
No matter your race or cultural background, age or abilities, sexual orientation or gender identity, marital or legal status, family situation, financial circumstances or personal challenges, the Jesus we know already loves you and that is what we are here to do.
So honor us with the opportunity to get to know you, worship with you, listen, share and grow in God’s love with you. The wider we draw the circle of grace, the more we know and experience the love of God.