
children wearing handmade capes
youth teenagers sitting on chairs and couches in a large room
mission and outreach volunteers in front of a house they built in mexico
volunteers preparing food
willow groups image of people paper chain

If you want God to change your life, help us change the world.

We believe that there are only two things we really have to do in life: love God and love our neighbor. As a community of faith, we encourage one another to continue to grow and develop in these areas and we nurture our young people to do the same. In addition to weekly worship, Bible studies, and small groups, there are abundant opportunities for hands-on, hearts-in mission and service in Willow Glen and around the globe. If you want God to change your life, help us change the world.

Use the buttons to above to explore what’s going on at Willow Glen UMC and how you can get involved.